Temptation {Spin Cycle}

Usually when I think about temptation, I think about things I want to do but I shouldn’t. For example, eating four peanut butter cups. Or having one more glass of wine. Gossiping just one more time about that friend and her husband. Buying that pair of boots that I really don’t need to add to the three other pairs of boots in the closet.

Last night, however, as I was putting my daughters to bed, I was tempted NOT to write this blog post for so many reasons:

My back hurts.
Teaching 5 mornings a week leaves me less time to write.
I have to fold that pile of laundry. (It’s still sitting there, unfolded, this morning.)
I made dinner, didn’t I?
Writing a post every day for NaBloPoMo is kicking my ass.
Isn’t November over yet?
I’m tired! (I seem to be continually tired. Is it the season?)
I just want to go to bed and read a book!

But then I thought about how much I love the Spin Cycle. And dang it, I had to write something for NaBloPoMo anyway.

So I sat myself down and wrote this post. Then I stumbled up to bed and read my book. I managed one chapter before I gave in and turned out the light.

What are you tempted NOT to do?

Be sure to visit Gretchen at Second Blooming. Her temptation post is probably way better than mine. Link up your own temptation post below!

Second Blooming


8 Replies to “Temptation {Spin Cycle}”

  1. Laundry, dishes, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, going to work, the list of thing I’m tempted not to do goes on and on. However, life is much better if I don’t give in to that temptation, so it’s not so hard to resist.
    VandyJ recently posted…ConfessionMy Profile

  2. So true! There are many days I’m tempted to not do everything I’m “supposed” to do – laundry, dinner, dishes. Last night it was the girls’ bedtime, but they area ll quietly watching TV and I was on the computer and I was soooo tempted to just let the peace last a while longer. I knew, though, what that would mean for the morning!
    Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…ThankfulMy Profile

  3. Many days I am tempted to take a nap before the kids get home from school. But I know I will pay for it later when I have to get everything done that I didn’t do while I was sleeping. So I resist and have another cup of coffee! Drinking #3 now at 3:41 pm.
    Dana recently posted…Oh, to be a teenagerMy Profile

  4. I am tempted to not do any Christmas shopping this coming weekend even though I know there will be great deals. I am tempted not to get my ears checked because I am afraid of what they will find.
    AnnMarie recently posted…Crabby MommyMy Profile

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