Grateful for my two little ones

Before Ed and I were married, before we were even engaged, actually, we talked about children. I was so afraid that after going through chemotherapy and hormone therapy, and then surgery to have uterine fibroids removed, that I would be unable to have kids. I wanted a family, and I wanted the man I married to want a family too. At that point in my life, I was in my 30’s and had already dated men that would have made good father, would have been lousy fathers, and men who didn’t want kids at all. I had to make sure that Ed wanted the same things in life that I did, including having children.

Here we are, over twelve years later. My fears over infertility didn’t come to fruition. Our two little girls are fast asleep and Ed and I are sitting in the living room in our pajama pants. He’s playing Angry Birds and I’m trying to write.

Yup, it must seem like we don’t live a very exciting life.

Less than two hours ago, I kissed two chubby little cheeks goodnight. Having those two little girls in our lives is a miracle. Some nights I lie awake and am amazed that through God’s grace Ed and I are the parents to two beautiful little girls. I’m not going to gush too much, I promise.

I’m just so grateful for these two little girls who brighten my life every day.

Lily and Emmy

What are you thankful for? Join Gretchen and me for the Spin Cycle this week, and link up your thankful posts below!

Second Blooming


4 Replies to “Grateful for my two little ones”

  1. I love starting off the day with this beautiful post. I had fears about infertility too, but with a lot less reason than you had. Just my personality, I guess, and because I have always wanted kids. I have never questioned that, not even when I was a little girl.
    Scarlet was a bit of a surprise, which was nice because I didn’t have to think too much. I feel..really blessed. Thank you for this post.
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