While Gretchen is enjoying herself at the Emmys, I’m at home on my couch blogging while Ed is in charge of the remote. Yes, we’re watching the Bears game and the Emmys at the same time. Plus, I need to write a blog post to tell you what this week’s Spin Cycle prompt is!
Lately I’ve been obsessed. “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic is a song I’ve been listening to over and over, thinking about the lyrics and wondering what they mean. One line in particular made me think.
“Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.”
Right after I thought of this prompt idea, one of my Facebook friends wrote the exact same line as her status. Turns out she’s obsessed with this song too!
What does this line mean to you?
Write your post any day this week and add your link. Gretchen and I will have our Spins up on Friday; be sure to come back and read what other people think about “Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.”
Don’t forget to grab your Spin Cycle button from Second Blooming.

I can’t stop listening! My son is getting very into. My first reaction was that it’s about someone loving to do dangerous things to make himself feel alive. Now I think it’s more about overcoming obstacles. That’s how it makes me feel.
Overcoming obstacles! I think you’re right!