How to Have a Successful Spring Break at Home

We are smack dab in the middle of our Spring Break. Instead of going somewhere warm, we stayed home in cold Illinois. But is that stopping us from having fun?

Of course not!

Having my sister visit us from California has helped our Spring Break fun! We made her bundle up and go outside with us. There are two neat nature centers in our area. First, we checked in on the 100 year old alligator snapping turtle at the Grove in Glenview. They also have an little rescued skunk that we were able to pet. Her name is Cora, and she is just adorable!

The next day, we dragged my sister to the River Trail Nature Center to see the rangers feed the animals. Also on the agenda: a trip to the Lincolnshire Marriott Theater to see Alice in Wonderland, followed by lunch at Big Bowl!

And a trip to the playground? Yes, please!

What have you been up to this Spring?





20 Replies to “How to Have a Successful Spring Break at Home”

  1. Remind me next year to make my sister come visit from CA (she lives there, too!)…that would definitely make this "staycation" more fun! 😉 Although, given all the fun, daily activities we need to keep from losing our minds, I am starting to realize that staying home is not actually a money saver! 😉
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  2. You and your sister look so much alike!
    Your spring break sure is sounding fun!
    So far we have played in the snow….and done a few Easter crafts. I'm hoping to make it to the zoo soon if the weather cooperates.
    My recent post Easter Wreath Craft

  3. Staycations can be awesome! When the school year is so busy with homework, practices, games, etc., it's so nice to have some downtime. How many of us take advantage of the fun activities in our own back yard or take the time to be tourists in our own city?

  4. Our spring break isn't until April! I'm hoping for good weather and doing lots of fun things like you described above. Hmm..maybe my sister will visit.
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  5. We have plans to go somewhere towards the end of Spring Break (starts tomorrow), but nothing before then. We have a few things we can do locally, though. Due to hubby's work schedule, though, we probably won't do too much other than our mini-vaca assuming everyone is well (we just dealt with a week long illness with 2 out of the 3 kiddos). Either way, we will make the most of it! 🙂 Great ideas, too, by the way!
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