Saturday Morning Snippets

Oh, my, I have been up since 6:00 not by my choice. The girls are watching cartoons, and I’m sipping a cup of coffee while fighting off a “didn’t get enough sleep headache”. I stayed up way to late last night making palm trees for my VBS displays.

You put de lime in de coconut...

Yesterday I went to Emmy’s preschool for a Mother’s Day Tea, complete with Oreos and doughnut holes.

Emmy and me at a Mother's Day Tea

I’m exploring Bloglovin, and to claim my blog, I need to post a snippet of code. So here it is:

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Does anyone else use Bloglovin?

I’ll write a more substantial post later, I promise! 😉


3 Replies to “Saturday Morning Snippets”

  1. Cute invites for VBS. Sounds like a lovely tea yesterday. Hope your headache goes away. I am following you on Bloglovin. I haven't claimed my blog yet but I am going to put the link up on tomorrows post. I signed up with them awhile ago but haven't really used it. Happy Mother's Day!
    My recent post FIVE QUESTION FRIDAY

  2. Love the tea party – I can't wait until Aubrey has those for us to attend. I hope you feel better and the headache goes away soon…

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