Two Sisters

As we walk to school, Lily holds my hand and talks to me in a serious way. Emmy holds my other hand, skips and jumps along until she breaks away to run ahead of us. Almost three years apart in age, so different and yet so alike.

From the moment Emmy was born, she was different from her sister. Lily would have nursed 24 hours a day if I let her; Emmy would push away from me as soon as she was full. Lily loved playing with her stuffed animals; Emmy loved playing with baby dolls.

Lily would insist on being called a different name, depending on which character she liked at the time. For while, her name was “Michael.” Then she was “Dora.”

Emmy, on the other hand, would never let anyone bestow a nickname to her rather long name. The only place she is known as “Emmy” is here on this blog.

Lily loves scary movies (such as Finding Nemo and Toy Story 3). Emmy does not.

Lily loves roller coasters. Emmy does not.

Emmy has a huge sweet tooth; much bigger than Lily’s. Emmy loves to sing; even more than her sister.

Emmy and Lily love to be silly; they love to dance around the house; they love to read books with Mommy and Daddy.

And even though at times they may deny it, they love each other.

Two Sisters

This post was inspired by Sisters, written by David McPhail. To read more Simple Moments, visit Hyacynth at Undercover Mother.

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10 Replies to “Two Sisters”

  1. They are going to LOVE to read this when they get a bit older. Such sweetness between sisters. Have you ever read My Sister Says? My sister and I loved that book.

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