My First Post on WordPress

I’m still writing for NaBloPoMo, but have yet to make this WordPress blog public. I’m waiting for my name servers to be updated, and if you understand what that means, then you are more technical than I am! I don’t know why I’m attempting to do this transfer at the same time that I decided to write every day, but I’ve been planning on doing this since August after Bloggy Boot Camp. So there you have it. Hopefully I’ll be able to make this blog public soon! (crossing fingers)

In Between

It’s an “in between” sort of time for me. There’s a Halloween black cat still hanging from the front door, and yet there’s a wooden turkey in between our bushes out front. Lily’s scary Halloween pumpkin is still sitting on the porch (I can’t bear to throw it in back yet), but there is my Christmas sled decorating my little wooden bench next to the scary pumpkin. The last piece of pumpkin pie that I am now eating was too big for one person, yet too small to divide into two pieces. It’s that in between time of not wanting to give up my daily writing, and yet being unable to find the energy to write a post. That time of wanted to persevere until I write something palatable, or the time to click “publish”, brush my teeth, and crawl between the covers.

I’ll have something more for you tomorrow. For now, I’m clicking….

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