A Good Story — YOUR Story

Technically, I never knew my grandma. But oh! The stories I know about her! I know that towards the end of her last pregnancy, she sat down in a chair and it broke. How her children laughed! And then subsequently were scolded by their father. Soon after, expecting one baby to be born, she delivered two bouncing baby boys! One was eight pounds, and the other nine. No wonder that poor chair broke…Grandma was carrying seventeen pounds of baby!

While I was never blessed to know my dear Grandma, I was blessed with a father (one of those bouncing baby boys), aunts and uncles who told many, many stories about their mom. And so, while I never met my grandma, I feel as though I know her.

As many of you know, my own mom died over a year ago. She fought desperately to stay here, to watch her precious granddaughters grow up. I am determined that my daughters will remember her and know her as they are growing up. Soon, I will be writing “Stories My Mother Told Me” at Mommy’s Piggy Tales, Janna Antenorcruz’s blog dedicated to storytelling.

Like me, Janna believes in the power of storytelling, and she describes why you should share your story in her new ebook, Share With Me: Someone NEEDS to Hear Your Story. Janna also gives practical advice on how to go about telling your story.

Janna speaks from the heart about why telling your stories IS important! Click here to view more details about Janna’s ebook. In Share With Me, Janna also includes stories from participants in her writing project “Mommy’s Piggy Tales.” (One of my stories, “Caught in a Blizzard,” is on page 17!) Janna is asking for a donation of $5 to $10 for her ebook, and included in the amount is the opportunity to tell your story during the next Mommy’s Piggy Tales session, starting February 3.

I’d love to read your stories, whether they are about you or your loved ones. Visit Mommy’s Piggy TALES to find out more!

Disclosure: If you buy Janna’s ebook by clicking one of the links above, as an affiliate of Janna’s I will receive a 50% commission.

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6 Replies to “A Good Story — YOUR Story”

  1. Both my grandmothers lived until I was well into my thirties, but unfortunately they never really told many stories. I should have asked more and now they aren't here to tell them anymore.Unfortunately both my grandfathers passed away while I was in my early teens and I never really heard many stories from them. Although I do know that my paternal grandfather helped in the aftermath of the 1953 floods. However, my mum said he never wanted to talk about it, so even she doesn't know much more than that!

  2. When my kids were babies, I bought each of my parents a book in which they could record their stories. I am so incredibly grateful that I did that because my dad passed a few years ago, and although my heart is broken, he left me such a gift in that book.

  3. I did know my grandmothers but my children did not know theirs. My mother died when they were very young. I don't think I have shared enough about my mother to them. I pray that I will have the opportunity to be a grandmother some day and that my grandchildren get to know me.Thank you for the wonderful reminder.

  4. That sounds awesome! I've been thinking about turning all my grandpa's stories into a book. He's got a million of them that are hard to believe, but true!

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