We Miss You, Mom

Don’t lose someone you love to breast cancer.
Help find the cause of breast cancer by joining Army of Women.

Lily and Grandma’s first Cubs game

Y-Me Walk, Mother’s Day 2006

Holding Emmy

Helping Emmy walk

My mom’s last walk with Lily, my sister, and Emmy.
She died less than three months later.
Her fight with breast cancer ended on Nov. 23, 2009.

“The key to ending breast cancer is to learn how to stop it before it starts.” ~Dr. Susan Love

7 Replies to “We Miss You, Mom”

  1. I'm so sorry Ginny. This must be such a difficult day. I'm sending you much love today and throughout this holiday season. I'm sure it's still hard for you too. Thank you for sharing your Mom with us. *hugs*

  2. Beautiful. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom as well to breast cancer over ten years ago. That's why I also joined the Army of Women. I so hope we can put an end to this vicious cycle.Sending hugs on this Thanksgiving. I hope you can enjoy.

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