Preparation. It seems like I’m always preparing for something. I’ve got to prepare for work, I need to prepare dinner, I have to prepare the house for company.
December is almost here. It’s time to prepare for the holidays. Time to get out the ladder and hang the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. Time to put up the Christmas tree and get the Christmas cards ready to send. Shop for gifts and the Christmas ham. Bake some cookies and prepare the menu for Christmas Day.
In the midst of all our preparations, we need to remember to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus, our King.
“Prepare the royal highway, the King of kings is near!”
I remember when I used to live at home and on the first advent my parents would light one candle and every Sunday after that, they would light one more. Good luck with all the preparing.
Yes…it is hear!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and so enjoy the season ahead! Preparing for the King!!!
Thank you, we can always use the reminder to keep us focused on the reason for the season.God Bless you and yours.
We are preparing at our house too. It is hard to lose the meaning of the season amidst all of the busy-ness. Just think, only a few more days left of posting every day! I don't know about you, but I'm going to enjoy getting a little reprieve.
Lovely post! I can't believe it is the first Sunday of Advent already! Christmas will be here before we know it!