It’s the Small Things: A Pile of Leaves

Lately, I’ve been writing about the Spring Chicken Tribe, a group at the SITS Girls blog support site. The Spring Chickens have started a new blog hop, and we invite you to join us! Jessica at Four Plus an Angel has a great idea: Small Things Saturday.

I have two small things that make me happy every day, 
regardless of tantrums over turn-taking or potty-training woes. 
So often, the small things that make them happy, make me happy!

A huge pile of crunchy, crackly leaves can provide great fun on an autumn afternoon!

What small things make you happy?

7 Replies to “It’s the Small Things: A Pile of Leaves”

  1. Isn't it great to just sit back and let them have such simple fun??? Yes, and all of those smells, sights and sounds of fall are wonderful!

  2. The other day I saw a herd of cows walking single file back to the cow shed at the end of the afternoon. That made me smile and I kept that smile for more than an hour!

  3. I remember all those leaves in Chicago. When I was young they would burn them in the street.Now I think you put them in the front and they come by and suck them up!

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