When I was seventeen, I found a job as a waitress at Pizza Hut. I learned everything about the job; opening, setting up the salad bar, serving a personal pan pizza in 5 minutes, Book-It (a reading incentive program for kids), running the cash register, taking carry-out orders, and closing…the only thing I didn’t do was make the pizza itself!
There was an elderly couple that came in to Pizza Hut weekly. Once a week, they requested me as their waitress. Once a week, they shared a small, thin-crust cheese pizza, and one cup of coffee. They would set that coffee cup right in the middle of the table, and they would each take tiny sips from the cup. I would refill the cup as often as I could. They didn’t tip much, but I was always glad to see them walk through the door.
I had to do some serious reminiscing about one of my favorite activities in high school. Did I participate for one year or two? What were my tasks? How did I get involved in it in the first place? I think I finally have the details straight!
At the end of sophomore year, my English teacher asked me to be on the yearbook committee the following year. And so Junior year found me learning about layouts, captions, and photo placement. I created the spreads for our high school publications, including our school newspaper, literary magazine and yearbook.
During Senior year, I was the Index Editor. I was in charge of identifying people in various photos and including the page numbers their photo appeared on after their names in the index. This was not one of the most exciting or fun tasks, but it was vital. And sometimes it was also tricky, since I went to school with 2,000 high school kids. Because of my involvement in Yearbook, I was inducted into the Quill and Scroll Society that year.
In the spring, once again I was in the chorus of the school musical. This year, we performed Hello, Dolly! My sister and I were in the chorus together; she is in the yellow dress, I am in the pink. There was a rule about stage make-up…you can never put it on too thick!
I graduated in the top 50 of my class. As I watched graduate after graduate walk up to the stage to receive their diplomas, I marveled that I only recognized about half of the kids in my graduating class of 500.
I spent that summer working as often as I could, trying to save money for the next phase of my young life. Next week will be the last entry, and a very special entry, in this session of:

Janna of Mommy’s Piggy Tales began a project to share our youth with our children. Every Thursday, I will tell a story about my childhood as if I were telling it to my children. At the end of this project, I’ll have a collection of stories about my childhood for my children to keep, and hopefully treasure.
Good Morning Ginny Sweetie…Oh how I have enjoyed reading these stories you have written. How beautiful they each are, and how wonderful to share with the kiddos. You and your sister are so beautiful. I loved musicals in high school, but was never brave enough to try out for one.How funny that you mention that you hardly knew most of your graduating class. We had a class of 565, and I too only knew a 100 or so. Isn't it strange? Where do they all come from? Surely we walked the same halls.Thank you for sharing this morning. As always I so enjoy reading your stories.Many hugs sweet friend and so much love, Shery
This is just great…it makes me want to go back and do other things in high school. Now why couldn't we do it all?I love the picture with your sister…what a blessing. This was the time of my sister's struggles, so we ignored each other in school…or I had to drive her home from being drunk..ugh!These have been great. I am so glad I was in your group to read your stories.Knowing everyone…what an honor!
You sound seriously BUSY! I guess that's what kept you off the streets. 😉
I thought my school was big (1600 pupils in total), but yours sounds massive! I would have gotten completely lost I think. And seeing as I didn't even know 100 in my school….
You gotta love the frugal elderly for their sweet rituals.Yes, you were vital. Those indexes save everyone time!Your play make up looks way better than mine!
I remember the reading program at Pizza Hut! I think I finished it once and forced my mom to take me. I never thought about the poor soul who had to write/edit the index! Thank you!Thanks for stopping by and reading my story! Looking forward to next week!
You and your sister were GORGEOUS! These stories are great fun!
I love that! I was in plays with my sister too and it was always soso much fun! http://iwritechildrensbooks.blogspot.com/2010/09/unanswered-prayer.html
I always was interested in yearbook, but didn't find time for it! Your stage make-up resembles our field make-up for color-guard – same rule.
I love the Hello Dolly! picture, another on of my favorite musicals. Sounds like you had a very busy year, can't wait to read the last post…