Where in the World? Making a Change!

The title “Where in the World?” sounds like this is a travel meme. While I write a lot about the traveling I’ve done, my idea for this meme was more general. Have you read the description I wrote for “Where in the World?”

Where in the world are you this Wednesday? Whether you’ve traveled the globe or have merely gotten lost in a book, I’d love to read about the places you go! Have you documented your kids riding a camel in Egypt or clinging to a carousel horse at the mall? Whether you’ve traveled the country or stepped out to your own backyard, share with us: Where in the world are you?

I’m making some changes to Where in the World? and I’ll tell you about them soon! This week, however, I’m preparing for Vacation Bible School at my church, and so blogging will have to wait. Did you write a post for “Where in the World?” Link up below!

6 Replies to “Where in the World? Making a Change!”

  1. I've been reading a book about India that is really interesting. We haven't really gone anywhere this summer, besides Chicago to visit family, but since we do this all the time, it's not really special. But, i do travel through books all the time!

  2. Preparing for our school next year…number 5 enters high school…we will be studying Ant. Civilization…so Rome and Greece is where our studies are taking usEnjoy VBS, my son just did VBS in the intercity…he learned that it is a great joy to give than receive…blessings to you!

  3. Can't wait to see what the change brings!! Of course once again I didn't get my Where in the World post done, but at least it is much closer now LOL! I hope you all are having a blast at VBS!!

  4. What a neat idea:) Wednesdays are usually our stay at home and chill day…looking forward to seeing the changes you have for the meme- hope I can do it!

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