Dirt Under My Nails

They are popping up everywhere…blooming like the cherry trees in Washington, D.C….blog posts about spring!

And so here I offer my humble spring post….

I was itching — not literally — to get out into the yard on Saturday. I dragged all my gardening tools to the backyard, but then I spent my morning blowing bubbles to distract the girls while Ed cleaned out the gutters. My accomplishment? Happy girls — but those weeds were still growing. After Ed grilled hamburgers, (the first grilling of the season — it’s difficult to use the grill when it’s covered with snow) he had mercy on me and took the girls to the park to play so I could get some work done.

I riskily planted some hostas (please live, please live!) and transplanted a poor, sad peony bush. It has been living on the east side of the house under our huge, ancient magnolia tree. I put it in the front yard, but it still won’t get much sun there, poor thing. We have a lot of mature trees in our yard, and my garden and the grass suffers from all that shade. But I’m hoping for the best, and maybe I’ll have some peonies to show you by Memorial Day.

Our magnolia tree is blooming…wasn’t it a pretty day?

It’s sunny again this morning, and the thermometer needle outside my front door is inching its way towards 60 — today it’s MY turn to take the girls to the park!

Happy Spring!


6 Replies to “Dirt Under My Nails”

  1. I think blowing bubbles is more important than gardening. And I will keep saying that as long as I don't like gardening!

  2. Enjoy the park, hope you have a lovely day. It's been raining here, so we'll be watching Spring from indoors. πŸ˜‰

  3. I miss Hosta's. We had varigated ones when we lived in Western Springs. I also miss the peonies.We don't get to grow those in CA.

  4. We had a weekend of absolutely BEAUTIFUL weather…then rain and wind and crap since Monday. πŸ™ It is driving the kids nuts because they played outside for 3 or 4 days and have been inside since…forget spring, bring on SUMMER! BTW – I know nothing about planting anything, but I love all flowering trees! πŸ™‚

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