Random Tuesday Thoughts: Some New Obsessions

This past week, I’ve been busy.

I didn’t write a HASAY post yesterday, but I have been exercising. I have a Pilates video with bodybands that I used when Emmy was napping. Lily liked doing it with me and following along. In the morning, while Lily was at preschool, I exercised to a parent/child DVD with activities which include your toddler. I did a lot of lunging and squats, and was very sore for the next couple of days! Emmy did NOT like the Pilates video, even though it’s easier on this old mommy. Fortunately, there are some 10 minute segments that I can do with her when I’m too sore to do the whole workout! Plus, the weather is finally warming up, so we’ve been able to get out to walk a little.

I’ve been obsessed with designing my new header. I downloaded the free alternative to Photoshop — paint.net. I’ve been trying to learn how to use it, and have had some success and also some failures. I can’t figure out how to make my rotated picture have smooth edges, and shadowing has been beyond me as well. If anyone has experience with paint.net, leave a comment with advice!

So, what is your latest obsession?

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8 Replies to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: Some New Obsessions”

  1. Love the new header photo! (But I am no help with the paint software, being challenged in that department by anything past auto red-eye correction.)My own obsession of the moment is laundering/fumigating/cloroxing anything my husband or elder daughter has touched in the past 48 hours, so as to possibly — just possibly — avoid their tummy bug… other obsessions will take a backseat for the time being. Unless you count the Andes mints in my freezer.

  2. really cute header!Just attended a great art show. Amazed by some of the behavior I saw and am obsessed with compiling a list of dos & donts for vendors & visitors. If you have any opinions, please share. I'll post the list of responses on Saturday.

  3. Good for you working out when you can! I need to make time to do so, too. :)I've always loved your headers – I haven't tried paint.net yet, I might have to play with it and maybe I'll be able to help you figure it out! 😉

  4. Hey, sweetie! Love the new look! Also, good for you for exercising-I can't wait for all of this flipping snow to melt so that I can go and play outside.My only experience with paint.net=I hate paint.net, lol! But then, I struggle with Photoshop, too!My latest obsession? Ignoring what needs to be scrubbed in order to inhabit the world of my Nano novel more completely.

  5. re: headerI like it – I like all the lemons. If you could do stuff with that picture that would be better. I'm not familiar with that program at all

  6. Don't ask for any help from me on anything computery! I know how to turn it on and that's about the extent of it…

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