It’s All a Matter of Perspective

I had to turn on the heat this morning. The high temperature today barely made it to 60 degrees. Come March, we’ll think a day like today is a warm, spring day. But not today. Today it felt cold and dreary.

Lily drew a fall picture for her Daddy. I wanted to share this picture with you, and I looked all over the house for it. I looked in the dining room, the kitchen, and living room…no picture. I finally found it in a place of honor on the wall above Ed’s side of the bed.

Lily just made fall a little warmer.

8 Replies to “It’s All a Matter of Perspective”

  1. Highs in the 60s, wow. Our low this morning was upper 60s and I was ecstatic walking to the bus stop. Now, standing in the sun is unbearable. But I'm sure if it was cold I'd find a way to complain about that too. Love the drawing, it's lovely. Recent blog:=- At Least I’ve Got a Prescription

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