Spin Cycle: Change

I remember running from the church, across the street, and down the block to the school where my Sunday school class was held. I was the first kid there. As I burst into the room, I burst into tears. My dad, the pastor at a small town church, had announced that Sunday that we were moving. I knew about the decision in advance, but his announcement made it real. My Sunday school teacher comforted me, and when my family moved, she gave me a Biblical crossword puzzle book that I held on to for a long time.

Moving from a town of population 800 to a suburb of a major city was quite a culture shock for this 12-year-old girl. We were thrilled that just a few blocks from our new house was a public library, a movie theater, AND a public pool. It was unheard of, to have these luxuries so close!

The downside? Starting seventh grade as the new pastor’s kid. Let the teasing begin! I was lonely and overwhelmed by the changes in my life. I would have moved back to that small town in a second, if my parents had asked. Eventually, good things began to happen and I was glad my parents had moved our family to the suburbs.

I stayed a member of our new church even after I moved out of my parent’s house and had an apartment and job of my own. After a number of failed relationships, I developed a crush on a certain someone who had been a member at the church since he was in preschool. He was four years older than me (still is!) and so we never played together as kids. He was one of the cool, older guys in youth group, who went away to school before I was old enough to even be in youth group.

My mom grew tired of me telling her how much I liked this guy, (I was too chicken to ask him out directly) and got his email address for me. At the time, he was teaching Sunday school, and so I asked him out for a cup of coffee after he was done with class. He replied, “What about pancakes?”

One date led to another, and now we have been married for almost six years. Would I have found my soul mate if my parents hadn’t moved us from one town to another? Would I be as happy as I am now? Would I have two, beautiful daughters?

I’ll just say this: Mom and Dad, I owe you one! (ahem…I owe you a lot more than one, but who has that much time?)

I’m writing this post for the Spin Cycle over at Sprite’s Keeper. Check out all those other stories about change!

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