I am the Alpha and the Omega,
 the First and the Last,
The Beginning and the End.
Revelation 22: 13

Kneeler cushions designed by my mom; needlepointed by many members of our church.. All rights reserved.

The Army of Women

My mom was a proud, pendant-wearing member of the Army of Women.

So am I.

So are my sisters.

You can be, too.

The Love/Avon Army of Women (AOW) is a unique program of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit breast cancer research organization. The program is funded through a grant from the Avon Foundation for Women.  The AOW is a groundbreaking initiative that connects breast cancer researchers via the internet with women who are willing to participate in a wide variety of research studies.

Here’s some more information about AOW. Did you know that:

  • the goal of the Army of Women is to recruit ONE MILLION MEN AND WOMEN of all ages and ethnicities, including breast cancer survivors and those who have never had breast cancer?
  • participants will be involved in important research to discover THE CAUSE of breast cancer – how to stop it before it starts?
  • participation in any of the studies is ALWAYS, COMPLETELY voluntary?

Please join the Army of Women TODAY!