Valentine’s Day Facebook Meme

I love reading and filling out these Facebook questionnaires. But you know what I hate? Deleting other people’s answers so I can fill in my own! So here’s what I’ve done for you; I have two copies, one blank and one filled in. Go ahead and copy and paste the free template of these Valentine’s Day Facebook questions!

In honor of Valentine’s Day — all couples: Make this your status and answer honestly!

Who’s older?
Who was interested first?
How long have you been together?
More sarcastic?
Who makes the most mess?
Who has more tattoos?
Better singer?
Hogs the remote?
Better driver?
Spends the most?
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Do you have any children together?
Did you go to the same school?
Who is the most sensitive?
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Where is the furthest you two have traveled?
Who has the craziest ex’s?
Who has the worst temper?
Who does the cooking?
Who is more social?
Who is the neat freak?
Who is the most stubborn?
Who hogs the bed?
Who wakes up first?
Where was your first date?
Who has the bigger family?
Do you get flowers often?
Who’s better with the computer?
Who drives when you are together?
Who picks where you go to dinner?
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Who eats more sweets?


Okay, love bugs, now I’m going to fill in my answers!

Ed and Ginny

Who’s older? Ed is 3 and a half years older than I am.
Who was interested first? I was.
How long have you been together? Seventeen years.
More sarcastic? He is.
Who makes the most mess? We both do.
Who has more tattoos? None for either of us.
Better singer? We are both good singers.
Hogs the remote? He doesn’t watch TV, but I do.
Better driver? We are both good drivers.
Spends the most? We are both frugal!
Smarter? Of course, I am.
Whose siblings do you see the most? Ed’s
Do you have any children together? Two daughters
Did you go to the same school? Not at the same time; I attended his grade school for 7th and 8th grade when he was already in high school.
Who is the most sensitive? I am.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? When we were dating, we ate at the Countryside Saloon every weekend. Now I cook at home most nights.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled? To Alaska
Who has the craziest ex’s? Neither
Who has the worst temper? Ed
Who does the cooking? I do.
Who is more social? Ed
Who is the neat freak? I am more than he is.
Who is the most stubborn? Hm, we both cave in quickly!
Who hogs the bed? We stick to our own sides.
Who wakes up first? He does.
Where was your first date? Le Peep in Park Ridge
Who has the bigger family? I do.
Do you get flowers often? No, but that’s okay with me.
Who’s better with the computer? He is with certain things, but I’m a better blogger. 🙂
Who drives when you are together? I do.
Who picks where you go to dinner? I do.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both do!
Who eats more sweets? I do.

Happy Valentine’s Day!







Another Facebook Meme

This week, lists are appearing on Facebook. People are writing “Things you may not know about me,” and then if you “like” their list, they will give you a number for your list.

I was reading a lot of great lists, but I wasn’t “liking” them because I didn’t want a number! Finally I gave in, and my cousin gave me the number 7. I needed a blog post for today, after all!

Things you may not know about me:

1. I was born in Iowa but never lived there.
2. I can’t stand the taste, texture or smell of watermelon.
3. I avoid saying certain words because I can see then in my head, but am afraid I’ll mispronounce them and then SOMEONE will make fun of me. Usually a family member.
4. I hate getting my hair cut because then I have to stare in the mirror at the dark undereye circles I inheirited from my mom.
5. I always wanted more children, but had a really hard time recovering from my last c-section. (I had to have c-sections due to a previous surgery.)
6. I first read The Lord of the Rings in 5/6th grade and have reread it often. (I remember reading it on our old green double recliner. When we moved to the suburbs, we left that green recliner behind.)
7. My very first job was delivering the weekly advertising paper house to house in the small town where I grew up. Yes, it was a small town, but my sister and I had to deliver those papers to every single house. It was a tough first job!

What’s something I don’t know about you?
