Sometimes We Like to Play Tourists

For the first time in a while, we had a whole Saturday free of commitments and obligations! Ed and I decided to take the girls downtown to the Field Museum. There is a traveling exhibit of China’s First Emperor and His Terracotta Warriors. Lily had seen the exhibit during a school field trip, and we wanted to see it before it leaves Chicago in January. Winter showed up today with snow flurries this morning, high winds and temperatures in the 30’s, so it was a good day to explore the museum!


Terracotta Warrior
Terracotta Warrior
Terracotta warriors were lined up in the first emperor's tomb, and they all had different faces.
Terracotta warriors were lined up in the first emperor’s tomb, and they all had different faces.
Ed fits in well with the warriors, don't you think?
Ed fits in well with the warriors, don’t you think?
We saw dinosaur bones, too!
We saw dinosaur bones, too!

On the way home, we had to drive by Addison and Clark, even though not much is going on at Wrigley Field right now except for some construction.

The backside of Wrigley Field
The backside of Wrigley Field


Cubs Win!

By now, you’ve probably heard that the Cubs won the World’s Series! The seventh game last night was just good baseball. The Cubs haven’t won the World Series since 1908, 108 years ago, in the 10th inning with 8 runs.

And because the game went into 10 innings with a rain delay, it was almost midnight when the game was over. (For the Indians’ fans in the Eastern time zone, it was an hour late, and they didn’t have a win to celebrate.) It was hard for us to wind down and actually go to sleep last night. Even my little preschoolers had been up way too late and were a little cranky. One little boy kept lying his head down on the table because he was so tired. After I prepared the snack and watching my co-teacher lead an activity with the kids, I started to yawn. Tonight, it’s a relief not to have to stay up to watch the game like we have been doing for the playoffs and the World Series!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I’m just ready for a good night’s sleep! So I’ll leave you with this picture from 2013, of Ed and his girls in front of Wrigley Field.

Wrigley Field
Wrigley Field

