December Spin Cycle Prompts

joy angel

As we enter into the holiday season, I have a whole month of writing prompts for you. Be creative as you write; put your “spin” on it! Then come back here for the month of December to link up your posts.

Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4 : Hope
What does hope mean to you? Are you hopeful? Do you want to give others hope? Do you remember which Star Wars movie is subtitled “A New Hope?” Be serious or silly as you think about this prompt, and link up your final product here!

Week of Dec. 7-11 : Peace
Week of Dec 14-18 : Joy
Week of Dec. 21-25 : Love
Week of Dec. 28-Jan. 1: New

There’s only one more day to link up your Thanksgiving posts–be sure to link it up below!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
Visit my blog to get the code in my sidebar. Add it to your blog post!






I’m Not Ready!

I’m not ready yet for snowflakes on my nose and eyelashes, or for hot chocolate and jingle bells. I’m not ready yet!

I see decorated Christmas trees up in the stores and Christmas shopping ads on TV, but I’m not ready yet!

I’m ready for leaf piles and hikes through the woods. I’m ready for sweater weather, but keep your down coat in the closet, please. I’m ready to be grateful for all that I have, and to slow down and enjoy the season of Fall, which is not over yet!

During the month of November, The Spin Cycle is going to take on a new Spin! We’re going to take the Spin Cycle on a field trip!

Part 1: Let’s take the Spin Cycle over to Instagram! Link up your Instagram account here, and then follow other Spinners. Post pictures during the week on Instagram showing us what you are grateful for. Be sure to use the hashtag #SpinCycle (along with #grateful or other hashtags you’d like to use) so we can “heart” your photos!

Link up your Instagram url here!

Part 2: We’ll also take the Spin Cycle over to Pinterest later this week!

Part 3: The Spin Cycle will also take place on our blogs, as usual, and the theme is All About Thanksgiving: giving thanks, recipes, crafts and activities. This linky will stay open all month, and you can link up as many relevant blog posts as you’d like, new or old!

Link up your All About Thanksgiving posts here!


Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
Visit my blog to get the code in my sidebar. Add it to your blog post!
