Back-Up Singer {Spin Cycle}

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

Don’t get me wrong; I love being a teacher. Right now I am blessed to be working with a class of three year olds, and I am having so much fun working with them! But I have often fantasized about a different job.

I love, love, LOVE to sing. And I can easily hit those high notes. Got a high A in a descent? I’m the soprano for the job. But there’s a problem. I have extreme stage fright. I hate attention. I was even worried about people looking at me as I walked down the aisle as a bride. But put me in a choir or stand me next to my sisters to sing, and I’m good to go. The nerves calm down and the butterflies flap a little more softly.

And here comes the fun part. My dream job is as a back up singer! The stage, the lights, the music, the high heels and big hair! Plus, no one pays much attention to the back up singers, right? (Except for me…I’m always watching the back up singers!)

Who would I like to be a backup singer for?

Why, Sting, of course! (Am I dating myself?)

Sting has always been one of my favorites. He works with fabulously wonderful musicians. He’s a great backup singer as well–remember “I want my…I want my…I want my MTV!”? I’ve seen him two times in concert (okay, I’m not much of a groupie) and have a nice CD collection. I even have some experience going on tour!

My collection of Sting things

*sigh* What a great fantasy to have as I brush out hair tangles, convince Emmy to change into WINTER clothes, quiz Lily on her spelling words while feeding them both breakfast.

For more perfect jobs, click over to Gretchen’s blog, Second Blooming!