The Lamp-post

I volunteered to shovel snow the other night. Yes, volunteered. The weather was warm; the snow was light. I paused to catch my breath at the end of the driveway and looked back at the house. All was quiet. No one was crying or fighting or calling for Mommy. No neighbors were pushing their gas-guzzling snow blowers, no dogs were barking, no snow plows were driving by. It was just me and the lamp-post. The lamp-post looked just as it must have to Lucy in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as she walked through the trees, her shoes crunching the snow, as she was about to embark on a great adventure.

As I finished the driveway, my neighbor brought out his snow blower and the peace of the evening was gone. He was done in a fourth of the time it took me to shovel. When I went back into the house, both girls were sound asleep. Lily had not been asleep when I was outside, and Ed had discovered her looking out the window, watching me. Even though I had gone outside to escape for a while, it was comforting to know that I still had my sweet girls inside.

When I went to collect the paper the next morning, I noticed tracks left in the snow. A deer had visited us in the night. Or perhaps…a faun?

My Two Favorite "Pinks"

Before October flies by, I need to write about my two favorite “pinks.” Emmy holds long conversations with me, in her own baby language. She has started to bite me to get my attention, just like a puppy. If I ask her to bring me her sippy cup, she does it! She is such a good snuggler. She still wakes me up in the middle of the night to nurse. (I have to break that habit!) She went to sleep tonight on her own in her crib, after specifically wanting her daddy to hold her. That means this was the first night she went to bed without nursing first.Lily wore black to her ballet class today. Just one month ago, everything she wore had to be pink or purple. Of course, the black leotard has sparkles on it, which makes it fun. She still loves to wear dresses, and fortunately has adapted to wearing tights or leggings in the cold weather. Lily still loves to “schnuggle” with Mommy. She gets us up in the middle of the night to go potty. She finally learned how to pedal her tricycle this summer! Here, she is typing “words,” in pink, on the computer.