Spring is finally here! Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and spring flowers are starting to show their faces!
And when it’s Spring, it’s time for the Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom!
I’ve met so many bloggers through the Ultimate Blog Parties in the past, and I’m looking forward to meeting even more this year! Discovering new blogs to read is always so much fun!
On my blog, I write about my life as a mom after breast cancer. I was only 27 when I was diagnosed with cancer. Now I’m the mom of two little girls who are truly the light of my life! As an older mom and breast cancer survivor, it is my wish that my blog somehow inspires those who also face challenges to have hope about the life that is ahead of them.
While I do have some tear-jerker stories on my blog, I mostly write about ordinary things that make life worth living! Lately I’ve also been making some vlogs. Here’s one I made with some bloopers. I was trying to learn the Cup Song!
Be sure to introduce yourself in the comments below if you are stopping by for the UBP!