The other night at dinner, I really wanted to order a beer.
But I didn’t. I was still feeling achy and had just taken some medicine, so I thought a beer wasn’t a good idea. Beer makes me tired, and then I get all crabby when it’s time to put the kids to bed because all I want to do is crawl into bed myself. Ed told me he had some beer at home, so I made him promise to make me have a beer after the kids were in bed.
I had such a taste for beer! Even so, by the time we got home and put the kids to bed, I went to bed myself. Ed said, “But what about your beer?” But it was too late…literally. This mom had had it.

Really I’m not much of a beer drinker. Lately I’ve been more of a red wine drinker, but I don’t drink often. Tonight was the perfect night to have that beer. The girls are in bed sleeping soundly and I wanted to do a little writing. I had a taste for beer. And oh, did it taste good!
That taste for beer, it comes and it goes. If I have a taste for beer and don’t have one…then it might be a while before I crave beer again.

Usually I like to cook, but lately I’ve been off at dinner time. I can’t think of what to make and whatever I make tastes horrible (to me, anyway). I think this is partly because I lost my appetite when I was sick. Why cook for someone else when nothing tastes good to me? Ugh, it was a bad cooking week.
Today I tried a new recipe that I was actually excited to try. Easy chicken paella–any time a recipe has the word “easy” in it, I am willing to make it. It was easy, and it was delicious! Even Emmy ate it! It felt good to enjoy cooking and eating again. I actually have a plan for tomorrow’s dinner, too–thank goodness! Let’s hope that dinner ideas stay for a while.
What comes and goes for you?