It Comes and It Goes

The other night at dinner, I really wanted to order a beer.

But I didn’t. I was still feeling achy and had just taken some medicine, so I thought a beer wasn’t a good idea. Beer makes me tired, and then I get all crabby when it’s time to put the kids to bed because all I want to do is crawl into bed myself. Ed told me he had some beer at home, so I made him promise to make me have a beer after the kids were in bed.

I had such a taste for beer! Even so, by the time we got home and put the kids to bed, I went to bed myself. Ed said, “But what about your beer?” But it was too late…literally. This mom had had it.

at the Ronneburg
At the Ronneburg in Amana, Iowa

Really I’m not much of a beer drinker. Lately I’ve been more of a red wine drinker, but I don’t drink often. Tonight was the perfect night to have that beer. The girls are in bed sleeping soundly and I wanted to do a little writing. I had a taste for beer. And oh, did it taste good!

That taste for beer, it comes and it goes. If I have a taste for beer and don’t have one…then it might be a while before I crave beer again.

Ginny cooking at Christmas
Peeling potatoes for Christmas dinner

Usually I like to cook, but lately I’ve been off at dinner time. I can’t think of what to make and whatever I make tastes horrible (to me, anyway). I think this is partly because I lost my appetite when I was sick. Why cook for someone else when nothing tastes good to me? Ugh, it was a bad cooking week.

Today I tried a new recipe that I was actually excited to try. Easy chicken paella–any time a recipe has the word “easy” in it, I am willing to make it. It was easy, and it was delicious! Even Emmy ate it! It felt good to enjoy cooking and eating again. I actually have a plan for tomorrow’s dinner, too–thank goodness! Let’s hope that dinner ideas stay for a while.

What comes and goes for you?




Do You Remember Your Dreams? More Random Questions {Tuesday Ten}

This week on Tuesday Ten, I’m answering Ten Random Questions from a list off 100 Random Questions. To make it really random, I used to pick my 10 questions!

80. Where would you retire to?

I kind of answered this question last week when I wrote about my dream house! I want to retire in the mountains, within driving distance to a beach and by a lake in the country. I love the four seasons, and so unlike most people, I don’t dream of retiring someplace warm. Ed and I love snow!

10. Do you remember your dreams?

I do remember my dreams when I wake up in the middle of them or am dozing in the morning. Ed’s alarm goes off at 5:00, and mine goes off at 6:00, so I have dreams during that hour of dozing. Sometimes I think I should just get up and accomplish something, since I’m not really sound asleep!

52. Are you a good cook?

The more I cook, the better I become. I’ve learned a lot by cooking dinner almost every night for the twelve years that I’ve been married. I stick with the basics and make a lot of things from scratch. Ed would answer that yes, I’m a good cook! But I did char the pork chops a little too much on the grill last week.

97. What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?

My first job was delivering an advertising flyer once a week to every house and business in my small town. I was in sixth grade, and my sister was in fifth grade. We split the town up and she delivered to one half, and I delivered to the other half. We lived in a very small town of about 800 people, but it still was a hard job! I made my little sister walk into the bars with me to deliver their ads, because I was scared of going in! There were at least a couple of bars in that small town. Our parent helped, too, and there was one night when it was really stormy and cold. But it was a good learning experience.

I’ve also been a waitress at Pizza Hut, a temporary secretary at a law firm, and a lab assistance in a college biology course. For my career, I taught second grade for thirteen years. Now I teach preschool.

3. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?

I got out of bed at 6:10, put a load of laundry in the washing machine, and emailed my husband at work.

84. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?

Right now, I want to go to Paris with my husband. Just the two of us!

34. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?

No. I did go on a zip line once, and that was adventurous enough for me!

23. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?

Ginny Marie = Gin Yam Rine

45. What did you do for your last birthday?

I answered this question last time!

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.

“balcony for use in cold weather. Today’s turkeys roast quickly, so watch the” Guess what room I’m in!

62. What was the name of your first pet?

We didn’t have pets growing up, and when I had my own apartment, I bought two little goldfish and named them Merry and Pippin, after two hobbits in The Lord of the Rings.

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa and Rabia. Visit their blogs to find more Tuesday Ten lists!

The Golden Spoons
