When the Going Gets Tough…

…the tough get going! But what if the tough are tired, stressed, or overwhelmed? What if the tough one (me) discovers that a blog post she started writing on her phone disappeared because she forgot to save it?

Well, I quit writing my Spin Cycle post about Encouragement because I felt quite Discouraged with a capital D. It was easier to give up than to try to rewrite the paragraphs I had lost.

But then I remembered that it’s November. What does that mean? It’s National Blog Posting Month, y’all!

NaBloPoMo November 2015

I’ve participated in NaBloPoMo every year since 2009, and I’m certainly not going to let a little writer’s block get in my way!

And so our continuing prompt this week is Encouragement. When do you need encouraging? Who gives you encouragement? Or how do you provide encouragement to others? (I’m going to need your encouragement for the next month!)

Write a post about encouragement and link up here any day this week!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
Visit my blog to get the code in my sidebar. Add it to your blog post!




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