The Week Before Thanksgiving

Next week, the schools in our district have no school. On Monday and Tuesday there are parent/teacher conferences, and then for the rest of the week, we are celebrating Thanksgiving!

Today, I went to see Lily’s fifth grade class perform a play about The First Thanksgiving. They did such a good job, and were so cute! (Yes, fifth graders are still adorable!)

Unfortunately for me (and for you), I have had a long standing policy where I don’t publish photos of other people’s kids online. I was sitting in the front row, and I’d love to show you the pictures I took. But I can’t. *sigh*

Tomorrow, we are inviting the parents to my preschool classroom to perform our version of The First Thanksgiving. It is very different than the fifth grade version, and involved much more singing. Since I am the teacher, I will not be able to take photos, and I will not be able to show you the photos I didn’t take. So there!

Pretty soon, I’ll be writing a post about all the things I’m thankful for. One of those things is that I’ve written 19 posts in November, and I only have 11 more to write. #nablopomo (Just thought I’d stick that hashtag in for fun.)

Don’t forget, we’re talking about Thanksgiving here on The Spin Cycle until the end of the month! Link up your Thanksgiving thankful posts, stories, crafts, and recipes HERE!

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