
Well, that was unexpected.

I really didn’t mean to take a blogging break. But somehow writing became my last priority.

Maybe it had something to do with the flat tire that seemed like it should be easy to take care of, but then it wasn’t. My book list keeps growing, along with the piles of laundry that need to be folded. (I count it as a plus that the laundry is clean!)

It couldn’t be that I just binged on Season 4 of Longmire and Season 5 of The Walking Dead on Netflix, could it? A girl has to have priorities, you know.

Now we have a three day weekend coming up, and I still won’t have time to write! We don’t have school on Monday for Columbus Day. Regardless of your feelings about Columbus, he was an explorer. A discoverer.

So for the Spin Cycle this week (until October 16!) the prompt is Discover. What have you discovered lately? Have you explored a new place, or discovered something new about yourself? Have you learned a new skill, or traveled somewhere new? Your Discovery post could be as simple as learning a new word (I finally know what “hyperbole” means!), as fun as discovering a new playground in your suburb, or even finding a new blog to read!

Write about discover and help me get back into blogging! I’ll be back Friday, October 16 with my discover post, although hopefully I’ll also write one or two blog posts in the meantime!


Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
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4 Replies to “Discovery”

  1. That is the beauty of blogging is that we can take a break now and then. Have your heard of that song “I Wasn’t Expecting That”? It is really a beautiful song but it reminds you of how precious life is and why our moments are so important. I am starting to re-explore photography so that is my latest discovery.
    Raquel recently posted…Fun Things to Do This FallMy Profile

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