Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 10/20}

At the movies. At the deli. At the gym. At the library. At the _________.

Where are you this week? When you go to your usual places, think about what you see there. Observe your usual day and write us a post about it. Think it will be boring? I bet you’ll be surprised at how we can all relate to what you write!

Write your spin and link it up here any day this week! Grab the Spin Cycle button code and try it out! I know some of you have had trouble with the code on your blogs, so I’ve rewritten it. You will still need to replace 4 “smart quotes” with 4 regular quote marks. Be sure you are in the “text” editor of your blog. I hope it works!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

I can’t wait to read your Spins! I’ll have my own Spin here on Friday!


6 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 10/20}”

  1. I still can’t get the code to work. I use Blogger – do I just copy and paste the code at the top of the post? I’ve tried it in a link and that doesn’t work. I don’t know how to add a gadget/widget to a post if that is what is needed. I can add them to my blog layout, but not a post.
    Ila East recently posted…Worry, concern, depression, ?My Profile

    1. Well, I guess I will have to play around with the code some more, but I have a busy day.. You should be able to copy and paste the code right into your text editor. Don’t worry if you can’t get it to work! πŸ™‚

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