Just down the street from us, next to the Dunkin’ Donuts, is a new gym. Ed and I decided that we needed some motivation to exercise, and paying for a gym membership is good motivation for both of us. We’re both so “frugal” that if we spend money on something, we’re going to use it. We’re trying to make exercise a habit; a good habit. I stop by the gym right after teaching my little preschool class.
When I’m at the gym, the manager always has a cheerful hello for me as I walk in. I step into the bathroom to change (no locker rooms) and then it’s out to the treadmill to walk. Usually I have my choice of machines, but when there is someone else walking on a treadmill, I’m always careful to leave a treadmill as a buffer in-between me and the other exerciser.
About a week ago, an older woman was on the treadmill. I kept that buffer in-between me and her. It didn’t stop me from noticing her brilliant red hair or her blue velour sweatsuit, however. I started my workout.
The gym has very fancy, new treadmills with TV screens built into them. She was having trouble changing the channel. I knew it was only a matter of time before she asked me for help. I started to speed walk. Unfortunately, treadmills don’t move.
Do you watch The Big Bang Theory? Remember how Howard’s mother talks? With a loud, nasally voice? Then you can image how she sounded when she asked me, “Do you know how to change the channel?”
I acted very out of breath, like I was working very hard. “No,” I said. “Sorry!” I’m not very accommodating. But I was also telling the truth. I don’t watch TV while I’m on the treadmill.
She pressed more buttons on the remote as her walking slowed. For an old lady, she had been working up a sweat, which was impressive.
All of a sudden she yelled, “Help! Help!”
Remember Howard’s mother?
I looked at her, then looked around to the room to see if anyone heard her. A personal trainer fiddled with some weight equipment and pretended to be busy.
“Help!” she called again.
The gym manager came over to help. “I don’t want to watch this channel any more!” she nasally said. “My movie is over and I don’t watch to watch this show!” The manager was as sweet as could be, and helped her change the channel. She exercised for about five more minutes and then stepped off the treadmill.
I was able to finish my workout in peace and quiet at the gym. That night, I had a good story to tell the girls and Ed. I was sure to use my best impression of the red-haired lady at the gym.
“Help! Help! I can’t change the channel!”

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That is to funny. Help, help I can’t get up – wait make that my channel won’t change. My eyes….. this movie is inappropriate…… For 5 minutes I can not watch this new movie.
Did you ever think she might be a neighbor?
Sharon, The Mayor recently posted…At The Playdate
She must be a neighbor, but I haven’t seen her before. I think some of the retirees from Rob Roy are joining the gym.
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
I totally was indeed hearing Howard’s mom the whole time reading this. Too funny and definitely would have been telling this story, too 😉
Janine Huldie recently posted…Rise of the Jack O Lanterns Revisited Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
It was pretty hilarious, and I think retelling it at the dinner table was a lot more funny that the printed version!
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
Bwahahahahahaha! I LOVE the Big Bang Theory and I can just hear the treadmill lady yelling, “HELP! HELP!” Bwahahahahaha. I also love that you leave a one treadmill buffer at the gym. I do that, too!! –Lisa PS. Have you been able to resist the Duncan Donuts after your workout? It seems like a cruel twist of fate to have one right next to your gym!!
The Dose of Reality recently posted…This Dog’s Life: Meet Rincon
Yes, I’m often tempted to stop especially since DD has a drive through! But I haven’t stopped there yet…
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
I’m afraid there are times I don’t want to be accommodating either. I have no idea what I would have done in your place, but I know when you start exercising you want to get your heart rate up and keep it there for a set amount of time. Having to stop and help someone just breaks the cycle.
Ila East recently posted…We celebrate an anniversary today
Exactly! I was on a roll, and didn’t want to walk over there. I usually am a friendly and helpful person. 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
haha.. I feel like yelling “Help” at a gym should ONLY be about.. a medical emergency. Or if your shirt gets stuck in a piece of equipment. But TV???
Tamara recently posted…Your Friendly Neighborhood Ask Away Friday.
I agree completely! What if you were having a heart attack? Now that would be a good reason to call for help!
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
Actually laughed out loud at the line: “I started to speed walk. Unfortunately, treadmills don’t move.”
Ha! Too bad you can’t “speed walk” your treadmill away from people who think not being able to change the channel constitutes an emergency!
A.J. Cattapan recently posted…7 Quick (But-Not-Entirely-Holy) Takes from Retreat
I really was wishing that treadmill could move! 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…At the Gym {Spin Cycle}
HaHa – she is like the boy who cried wolf. One day she is really going to need help and wish she hadn’t made such an issue with the TV!!
Kim recently posted…A Weak Week (10/19 – 10/25)
That is so true! She could’ve paused the treadmill and asked someone else for help…quietly.
Too funny! When she started crying for help, I thought for sure she had gotten a shoelace stuck in the treadmill or something. Poor lady. 🙂
Jenny recently posted…Out the Other Side
I was glad (for her sake) that her only problem was the TV!
I love it, Ginny. I cannot imagine a TV being an emergency. My Husband and his dad had a tv repair shop back in the day. You would be surprisec how many folks considered having TV and stereos repaired at night and on Sundays there were back in the 50’s and 60’s.
That does surprise me! But we’re not a huge TV watching family, and I know some people need to have the TV on all the time.
Such a funny story!
I thought she was going to need help with the treadmill — wasn’t expecting it was a t.v. emergency!
Her yelling for help definitely surprised me! At least it was only a TV emergency, and not something more serious. 😉