Our Spring Break is over. This morning, Lily is going back to 3rd grade, Emmy is going back to 1st grade, and I’m going back to preschool. As I’m looking at Facebook, though, some schools are just beginning their breaks! I know several families who are going to Florida and one person I know is in Hawaii.
Where did we go for our Spring Break?
No where. We stayed home.
So this week our prompt is Staycation. What would you do during a Staycation? Do you have a special place to visit in your hometown, or would you just spend time in your own backyard?
Write about what you’d do during a Staycation, and link it up any day this week! Gretchen and I will be back on Friday to tell you all about our Staycations!

We don’t have our break until the third week in April and right now my husband just alerted me that it is snowing outside, so really not sure if spring is truly ever going to make an appearance anyway soon! As for the prompt, I think I would do a lot of reading and movie watching if I took a stay-cation. At least that is what I did when I was on bed rest during my second pregnancy.
Janine Huldie recently posted…We Just Love Them – Then I Became A Mother Book Review
Oh, wow, your break seems late to me! I’m sure you’ll be ready for a break in April! We finally had some spring-like weather yesterday.
We also had a staycation for our spring break, which I swore I would never do again after last year’s staycation…alas, that winning Powerball ticket has not come in yet! Anyway, it was actually pretty fun…several of Abby’s friends were also in town, so we made the best of it!-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Be Spoiled Or Left In The Dark?
That’s nice that some of Abby’s friends were in town. We had a play date with a couple of friends that stayed in town, too, and that made it more fun!
Our spring break is when Easter is – so still not for a few weeks!
I imagine it will be a staycation, though! Although a trip would be great.
tamaralikecamera recently posted…Science Fiction Double Feature.
I’ve been surprised at the number of people who still have spring break coming…in this area, all the school districts are about done with breaks. We’ll be jealous of you in April!
We stayed home for break since the boys had activities all week. It was nice to at least not have to get up early every day!!! And, I didn’t come home to piles of laundry since I never left!
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Spring break is just starting in the schools here. It seems kind of late this year. We always had staycations. That meant there were always a ton of kids at our house. :-/
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It’s just now warming up!
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We do these a lot!