Doesn’t it seem like you just put up your Halloween decorations? It does to me! I’m not ready to throw out the jack o’ lantern I just carved 4 days ago!

This week it’s Halloween Show and Tell on The Spin Cycle. Did you already write about your Halloween? Link it up! Do you still need to write your Halloween recap? Come back any day this week to link up! On Friday, Gretchen and I will write up our Halloween posts to share with you. Help spread the word about the Spin Cycle on Facebook and Twitter by using the hashtag #SpinCycle.
I can’t wait to see your Halloween photos this week!

I’m all linked up. Thanks for hosting!
OK, NOW I know what you meant by ROWMIE! I was a little confused at first. My kids are almost all out of the house, and I worked right through Halloween this year (I know, sad right?) So even though Halloween is totally my favorite holiday, so no pictures from me. I do like this Spin Cycle idea though, I’ll be back, and next time I’ll participate!
I knew you’d figure it out, rowmie! 😉
Awesome pumpkin! We skipped carving this year. I know…
Prompts and link-ups like this should come in handy during NaBloPoMo. Of course, I didn’t do anything Halloween-related, so lucky for me I have a blog plan for the week. I’ll be back to visit your post at the end of the week, Rowmie!
I’ve been slacking the last couple weeks on your spin cycles, but I’ll get on it this week. I’m trying to do NaBloPoMo, so I’ll need all the help I can get. 🙂