May Day! Part 2 {Guest Post}

To read Part 1, click here!

This is Gianna again from Sweet Peas & Buddies.  Thanks for coming back.  I am excited to finish my May Day Celebration story for you.
So the party started.  The party was fabulous.
And then it was time for the May Day Pole.
I knew how I wanted to do it.  But what I was hoping for was a non-windy day.
As it would be, it was a very windy day.
What I did was make a band of fabric and sewed crepe paper to  them for the Maypole streamers.
I am not very handy when it comes to a sewing machine.
But I was able to figure out how to do this.
I don’t know how long the streamers were.  I just know they went from our front door and into our bathroom.
Because it was so windy, I didn’t want to attach the ribbons until just before we started.  My friend Peter helped me by climbing the ladder and tying the streamers onto the tree.

Then we walked away to put the ladder down.  Oops.

We had to wrestle the ribbons to subdue them.

But with some more help from Peter and my good friend Andrea, the Maypole was a success!

How can it not be when you are dancing around a tree to the song, “I Am A Promise.” It may have seemed overwhelming and impossible the morning of the party, but my kids helped me to stretch.  Without them, I would never have done this.  Without them, my life would be so dull.  Without them, I would not have the join of experiencing the humiliations and JOYS of being a mom.

I’m so thankful for my kids.


Thanks, again, Ginny for inviting me to hang out with your cool readers!

You’re so welcome, Gianna! I just love that picture of your streamers blowing in the wind! What a fun May Day! My next guest blogger will be featured on Monday, June 11. It’s Guest Blogger Month at Lemon Drop Pie!


7 Replies to “May Day! Part 2 {Guest Post}”

  1. Oh my! What fun! You are so creative. I have found that over the are really so easy to please and you did a great job creating an atmosphere of FUN!!

  2. What fun!! I love the picture of the children going around the tree. You could see on their faces what a lovely time they had!! You've inspired me!! Next year I think I will have a May Day Party for our family!!!

  3. Okay, the picture with the tree and the streamers and all the kids going around with them? That made it worth it right there. I bet your kids will always remember that day — it's great how they get us to do more than we think we are capable of.
    My recent post Thankful Thursday

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