When the Air is Delicious {Simple Moment, Bigger Picture}

In photography, there is a moment of time called “the Golden hour”. Those moments in time, when the sun is at the perfect height on the horizon, to provide soft and glowing light for the perfect shot. The word “hour” is not an accurate time of this golden shooting period; it may last for a while or it may be fleeting.

Walking home in the late afternoon one day, I was struck by the dark clouds overhead. The sun shone from the west, its rays lighting up fall leaves at the tops of the trees. The smell of rain was in the air, and yet the sunshine made the colors of the trees brilliant.  The clouds loomed dark and ominously overhead behind all that brightness. The air was still. It was raining somewhere.

What a glorious golden hour.

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13 Replies to “When the Air is Delicious {Simple Moment, Bigger Picture}”

  1. I see those moments occasionally, and never have my camera with me. Or if I do have my camera, I have kids with me and can't stop to appreciate it. Lovely picture!

  2. Thank you, Bonnie! I'm not much of a photographer, but it just seemed like such a magical moment that I had to take a picture, even though my photo doesn't quite capture the feeling I had.

  3. I experienced one of these golden moments on an evening several weeks ago in my yard — fiery leaves against a stony sky. Glorious, indeed!

  4. This reminds me of how much beauty surrounds us if we just look. Truth be told I have let too many golden hours slide by uncelebrated.

  5. Taking pictures during that golden hour is what makes my soul buzz with love for capturing God's beautiful creation through the lens of a camera. Beautiful shot, and beautiful writing.

  6. Oh, that golden hour is indeed magical! It's like time stops and we can see creation with the admiration it merits. You have a knack from finding bigger picture moments in unique situations — love it!

  7. Beautiful picture! The sun does this in my backyard in the fall/winter casting just patches of light that make the trees look like they are glowing. So beautiful!

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