This is the last week of February! Every year it seems like February flashes by because it only has 28 days. February is a nice, even month. 28 days, exactly 4 weeks, except for every 4 years when it’s 29 days. February is tricky like that.
This week for the Spin Cycle, list 28 things. What things? That’s for you to decide. 28 random facts about yourself. 28 of your favorite movies. Your 28 favorite pins from Pinterest, or 28 fantastic photos that you took yourself. 28 wonderful quotes.
Spin up your 28 things, and link up here any day this week! I’ll be back on Friday to share my 28 things!
In 2015, I’d like to get the Spin Cycle grow. Here are some ways you can help:
- Write a Spin Cycle post any day this week and link it up here!
- Copy the code for the Spin Cycle button on my sidebar and paste it in your Spin or include a link back here in your post so that your readers will be able to find more Spins.
- Sign up for my newsletter to get the Spin Cycle Prompt in your inbox.
- Send me a tweet @lemondroppie when your post is up!
I, for one, am ever so happy February is almost over and hoping that March brings us son spring like weather at the very least. But lovis week’s spin cycle prompt 😉
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Unfortunately, I don’t think the weather will warm up soon. We’re about to end a record breaking cold month. I can’t wait to go to Florida in a few weeks!