Dear Santa {Spin Cycle}

Dear Santa,

It seems strange to be writing this letter to you, since I didn’t have you around much when I was growing up. You and your reindeer never had a chance to come before the presents appeared under the tree. We always followed my family’s tradition of opening our presents on Christmas Eve, and then we went to our candle-lit church service late that night. So this is the first letter I’ve ever written to you.

I don’t need much; I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more–a husband, two kids, a minivan and a warm house in the suburbs. What more could I ask for?

Even though I have all I need, I still get very jealous of those that seem to have more than I do. I’m jealous of the neighbors with the beautiful, huge (and clean!) house with a playroom for the kids. I want the smart phone that everyone except practical me has, the iPad with a fancy carrying case with a built in keyboard, and a new minivan without a sticky, hard-to-open side door.

Santa, I’m asking you for the gift of contentment; to be happy with my life here and now; to know that I have all that is important to me.

Sometimes, Santa, I feel so insecure with how I look. I’m not glamorous and not very fashionable. I’m the wallflower from high school that no one notices. Sometimes, I want the designer clothes, the social life, the popularity that seems to pass me over. I want to be the cool kid that everyone wants to be friends with.

I’d like the gift of confidence. To know that although I don’t always feel beautiful, my beauty comes from within. To remember that although I’m not the most popular kid on the block, my friends are the best friends in the world.

Speaking of friends, my husband happens to be my best friend. Yet sometimes I don’t treat him like we’re friends at all. I dismiss him when he’s telling me something he thinks is important. I snap at him when it’s unwarranted. And sometimes I even resent him when I feel overwhelmed with all the housework and cooking that I try to do every day.

I need the gift of patience. Yelling accomplishes nothing; it only makes everyone around me crabby. Kindness, however, goes much further and makes the whole day better.

Contentment, confidence, and patience. I think this is a good list for this year, Santa. However, I would like just one more thing.

Could I please have a smart phone? Pretty please?

Ginny Marie

Second Blooming

Link up your letter to Santa below! Be sure to visit other Spinners and leave them some comment love. Come back on Monday to read about next week’s Spin Cycle prompt and to find out who is the featured Spinner from this week’s Spins!


13 Replies to “Dear Santa {Spin Cycle}”

  1. Contentment, patience, and confidence are great things to ask for. I could always use more of those, too.

    You’re totally right about always wanting more than we have. More contentment, please, Santa! I’m not content with the amount of contentment I currently have. 🙂
    Angelina Costenaro recently posted…Encouragement for WritersMy Profile

  2. Amazing. I always thought you were confident and had the kindest heart. I remember asking you at the registration table if you would do the Field Moms project and you did not hesitate to say yes. That moment I was in awe that you were so brave and had this elegant beauty. The complete package. I think we are our own worst critic.

    I am very short with Bryan on tough days. They say we are the meanest to the ones we love the most.
    Sharon, The Mayor recently posted…Dear Santa:My Profile

  3. Asking for patience is a tricky thing. Usually means being put in a lot of situations that require the learning of patience. Very thought provoking post. Hope Santa brings you the minivan and the smart phone!

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